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Self-management for living with chronic conditions


Written by Alicia Isaacs


Cheryl Thomas and Eleanor Deckert, volunteer coordinators of the free Self-management Course for Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions, conducted the last of the 6-weeks sessions on Tuesday March 11 at the Kelmucw Sharing Place Society.


Deckert described the terminology ‘self-efficacy’ as accepting the responsibility to take action for your own health, not being passive but taking an active role as in going to the doctor, conducting your own research on the individual disease and management techniques. In light of the doctor crisis, this is a worthwhile alternative.


The Symptom Cycle shows individuals the stages they may experience because of a chronic disease, identify these symptoms and consciously making decisions to deal with the symptoms, alleviate pain and prevent attracting other illnesses.


The cycle stages are:


Disease                     Tense Muscles                      Stress/Anxiety                       Anger/Frustration                 Depression                Fatigue


To relieve tense muscles, gentle stretching exercises encourage flexibility. Deep breathing relieves stress and anxiety as well as engaging in completing a hobby. Feelings of anger, frustration and fear can be dealt with by identifying the source of these feelings which can better arm a person to deal with the situation.


Depression and fatigue are closely linked; one leading to the other. Symptoms of depression may include isolation, too much or too little sleep, not caring about how you look and difficulty concentrating.


Engaging in positive self-talk can change your thinking and view of yourself.


According to Eleanor Deckert, a person can come out of depression by engaging in guided imagery which is ‘having a positive daydream on purpose’.


Fatigue may come from the disease itself, inactivity, poor nutrition, insufficient rest, stress/tension, depression or side effects from medication.


Action Plan criteria for achieving one’s health goals include:


1) Something you want to do - deciding on the activity you want to start, i.e. walking.


2) Reasonable-the goal you’re trying to attain is reasonable, i.e. losing 30 lbs in 6 months.


3) Behaviour specific - decide specific actions to making the goal achievable. E.g. walking everyday at the same time - 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.


4) Answer the questions; what? How much? When? How often?


5) Confidence level of 7 or more - how confident are you in committing to the goal until you reach it.


Helena Carlson said since she participated in the 6-weeks course she has begun riding 8 miles on her bicycle. She’s walking more, meeting people and has started a home based business.


Carol Robertson started going to the gym 3 times a week. The most important part of the course to her was the Action Plan.


Eleanor Deckert has cut down on paid work to have more time to volunteer as well as time for her home life.


 “I’m taking time for myself to complete my scrap booking,” said Shirley Kochems.


For Cheryl Thomas, the group sessions help her accomplish her goals and develop friendships.


You may contact Cheryl Thomas for more information on the course at (250) 674-3260.





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